B2B services in Logical Network Inventory

Service Inventory is a Logical Network Inventory extension. Its purpose is to gather all service technical data in a single database record representing the given service. With this data collected, the user receives an overview of all service resources in all technologies in each network layer. The Service Inventory extension supports service of any type (e.g., IP, Voice, ATM services, Leased lines etc.). Specific technical attributes can be defined and managed for each service type.

Main features

  • Service Inventory for PNI and LNI
  • Supports service qualification, design, fulfillment and assurance
  • Provides a comprehensive and graphical view of service resources
  • Keeps and provides service historical data
  • Ready to integrate with Business and Operations Support Systems (Workflow, CRM, Fault Management)


data center manager

Data Center Manager za Inventar Fizičke Mreže

Physical Network Inventory

GE Smallworld PNI

Optical Network Atlas za PNI

Physical Route Manager for PNI

Upravljanje fizičkim rutama u prenosnim mrežama

Optical Path Scheme za PNI

Generisanje šeme za optičku mrežu

Radio Network Inventory for PNI

Inventar radio tornjeva i bežične opreme

CaTV Design za Smallworld PNI

Podrška za dizajn koaksijalnih i optičkih mreža

Service Inventory for PNI & LNI

B2B usluge u logičkom mrežnom inventaru

Data Quality Tool za Smallworld GIS

Alat za verifikaciju podataka i obradu podataka o greškama

Network Inventory Maintenance Support

Automatsko izveštavanje